Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I was advised to make a Top 10 list about the Whole30.  Instead of the 'best' things, I'm listing the biggest takeaways from completing the Whole30 successfully.  So here they are in no particular order:

Top 10:

1. It is not hard.  (battling cancer is hard, fighting in a war is hard)
2. I never thought I could get better sleep.  I had what I thought were good sleeping habits's nothing like how I'm sleeping now.
3.  My workouts are much more efficient.  I don't lose energy and my heart rate isn't as high when I'm exercising (and it's not because I'm not working as hard)
4.  I don't need bread or cheese or beer. 
5.  Everyone is gluten intolerant.  (cut it out of your diet and see what happens to your gut...mine is much less poochy for lack of a better term)
6.  There is enough time in your day and in your weeks to eat like this, as long as you make it a priority.  Trust me it's worth it. 
7. It's really not that much more expensive to eat real, whole food.  (I bet you will spend less on dr's visits, antacids, etc.)
8.  It is empowering to be in control of how your body looks and feels!
9.  Pumpkin shakes may seem and look like a good idea, but they taste like baby food. (Gerber if you're reading, call me)
10. Feeling good is in your control.  Everything you put into your body is either healthy or unhealthy.  There is no in between. 

For those who are I did not have a Bloody Mary with breakfast.  I ate completely paleo today, including the Pumpkin Shake I's not good. 

But speaking of pumpkin, I did make a purchase today for when I am ready....Dogfish Punkin :) 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Well folks, we've made it.  When I wake up tomorrow, as long as I don't sleep walk down to the local 7-11 and sleep eat taquitos, I will have successfully completed the Whole3o challenge.  30 days of no grains, legumes, alcohol, dairy, soy, etc.  30 days of real, natural delicious food.  The last meals: 

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach, steak. Lunch: Tuna wraps with tomato/avocado. Dinner: Spaghetti and tomato/avocado.  (I know, tomato and avocado were on a brief hiatus). Snack: apples and almond butter. 

I've had a bunch of people ask me what I'm going to eat tomorrow.  Probably the same good food I've been eating the last 30 days.  I think it'd be a bit hypocritical to reward myself for completing this challenge with food/drink. I'd rather reward myself with something materialistic.  Today, I bought a trash can online.  No, I will not allow that to be my reward. It just so happened I needed a trash can and I bought it today.  I'll probably cash in this weekend when I go shopping. 

So, I will continue to eat the paleo way until I really want something nonpaleo.  I'm not sure when it will happen, but I want it to be worth it. I embarked on this challenge to change my relationship with food, for the short term- success.  I think the hardest part for me will be the time after the whole30.  I've done well because there are guidelines and rules to follow-- it was easy to control.  Now, it's up to me to make better decisions on my own. I'm sure there will be hard days and easy days, and I'm sure the easy days will become more frequent as time goes on. I hope anyways.  

In closing, thanks for all the support and encouragement along the way.  As much as I became consumed and obsessed with the Whole30, I did with blogging as well.  I really had fun writing about my journey.  And although I did feel extreme pressure to post daily and make people laugh, I did enjoy the process and think it was helpful.  It was like I had an audience to report to and I didn't want to disappoint. I know some people have requested that I continue with the blog....and I will try to blog about life after the whole30, but it may be less frequent and not as comical. 

And those asking for after pictures, please message me privately.  


Monday, October 8, 2012

29 of 30

I just typed out that title and I cannot believe tomorrow is my last full day of the Whole30 challenge.  This journey has certainly gone faster than I imagined it to go- it has given me perspective, motivation and control.  I don't have urges to put 'bad stuff' into my body.  Well, for the most part. 

A lot of people have asked 'what are you going to do when it's over?'  I honestly think I will continue on this path of eating paleo until I really want something nonpaleo. I feel good.  It's hard to describe elaborately. I have no desire to eat bread or cheese.  (I also haven't been face to face with a pizza in 29 days). I've been sleeping like a baby. I have energy and rarely experience the usual afternoon sluggishness.  You know that 2:00 feeling the 5 hour energy commercials always tell you about. I want to workout.  My mouth actually watered for spinach yesterday. I desire good food.  I've enjoyed channeling my inner Jules Childs. I am proud of what I've accomplished. 

One of my biggest challenges has been the social aspect for sure.  I've cut down on my social engagements to limit temptations, etc. My nonpaleo, social butterfly self would definitely call my whole30, seltzer drinking self LAME. I've had some conflicting thoughts on that matter, the whole30 is almost social suicide. No, it's not that bad. I just wanted to use the phrase social suicide since it's in Mean Girls. I've obviously chosen to limit my sociality (can't believe that's a word)- so I need to be better about going out and being ok with not drinking. 

Although I'm not sure what I was so concerned with, I never once worried that I would fall off the wagon. My only worry involving wagons concerns the Mennonites and their road apples. 

I am looking forward to having the option to enjoy a beverage if I want it.  I'm not saying tomorrow at 12:01am I'm going to crack a beer....that would be ludicrous.  I'll just have a Bloody Mary with my breakfast Wednesday before I go into work.  Kidding people. 

The process of reintroducing foods is a little intimidating.  The top 3 items I'd like to reintroduce are aforementioned adult beverages, sugar free creamer and gum.  I feel like that's a really weird combination, but that's honestly what I think. Anyways, enough reflection for this evening.  I'm not even finished the challenge yet.  

Hung out with my main man Shaun T this morning.  Loathing walking push ups. And the rug in my living room is cheap so I get rug burns on my palms. Sometimes my frugality gets the best of me.

Anyways, breakfast was: steak and an egg, with my sweet potato/nan concoction.  I've had a lot of interest for that recipe, so here it is: 
Microwave a sweet potato in a wet paper towel for 4-5 minutes (until fork tender).  Cut up a small banana (the riper the better).  I usually use a 1/2 of the sweet potato at most.  Mash together the nan and potato, add about 1/4 cup of coconut milk and 2 tsp of cinnamon.  Reheat once everything is incorporated and top with walnuts.  Devour. 

Lunch was my leftover 'surf' from dinner last night, atop a salad with tomatoes and EVOO.  It was as scrumptious as it looks.  Post lunch nibble of raspberries and walnuts.

The weather today was pretty miz. Soup was calling my name for dinner.  Needed a little protein with it, so had a little bit of spaghetti squash and meat sauce. I couldn't even finish the soup. I've noticed I become fuller quickly, I guess when I'm meant to be finished. 

Also, if you're interested in what I'm doing right now, it's not watching the O's play the Yankees.  Of course not. I'm hanging out in the front of a classroom with a room full of underachieving student athletes. I, in my baby earphones listening to Mumford and Sons sipping seltzer water; them in their oversized headphones jammin to Chris Brown and texting under their desks. 
Sweet life. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Surf and Turf

As much as I want to write about the dinner I just ate, I feel as though I should keep this blog chronological. 
Apologies for not posting yesterday, it was Homecoming at BC and the day was busy.  We started the day with an Alumnae Game, the official end of our fall ball season. It was a good turnout, specifically loved the alum that showed up with a wooden stick.  I know you're probably thinking she was 80, well she wasn't, she was only a few years older than me. I don't know how the Indians did it. 
Following the Alumnae Game (that I officiated....lord help us), we had a tailgate. I'm not sure why I planned a tailgate for the last weekend of my whole30 challenge, or maybe I secretly enjoy torturing myself.  I know there is a word for that but I have no idea what it is. I just tried to google it and I got masochist.  I don't think that's right.

A la the tailgate, I had 2 100% all beef burgers with mustard and some veggies.  The only thing I really wanted was the taco dip and scoops.  Freaking scoops. 

Dinner was leftover spaghetti squash and sauce with a side of spinach.  I'm trying to work more greens into my meals. It was fabulous.  Sauteed the spinach with salt and garlic, hit the spot. 

I actually decided to be social last night and meet some friends wasted off soda water and lime. Not. 
So while the table ordered wings, fries and dogfish beer (maybe my fave), I took my carbonated bev to the face.  Like a champ.  Oh I did have a celery stalk. 

It really wasn't that bad...I enjoyed the company and it was good to get out of the house. Not as difficult as I thought it would be to not drink.  Got home around midnight and did not toss until 8:45am.  Glorious. 

I lounged in sweats, watched a movie and didn't brush my teeth until 12pm today and I'm not ashamed of it. 

I joined a basketball league, mainly to make friends with a secondary goal to exercise and compete. Didn't want to overdo it with lunch, so I just had an apple with some almond butter. Seemed to work I only had 1 air ball. It was really fun, looking forward to hooping more often. 

Ok, finally I can get to my dinner and the title of this blog. SURF and TURF.  
Salmon with lemon juice, olive oil, tarragon, chives, S&P.    
Ribeye purchased from a local farmer's market- rubbed in garlic, S&P and EVOO.  
Side of spinach sauteed in garlic.
Washed it down with a refreshing spritzer of seltzer water- garnished with lemon and raspberries. 
Jules is back. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Evening Y'all

Well this day, the 26th day of the whole30, was a freaking crapshow. Honestly. One of my biggest peeves of this challenge is having to eat in public, around people that don't understand what you're doing and probably won't ever. I don't like being considered high maintenance and tonight I was.

I attended the Bridgewater College Hall of Fame banquet this evening, it was a lovely affair.   I did my best to plan ahead (at $25 a pop, I was getting my paleo time and money's worth), I chatted with the chef ahead of time to explain my conundrum and he was on board.  Phew.  They served a fancy salad, pork, asparagus and a parsnip mash with some glaze over the top.  Easy fix- garden salad with balsamic, plain pork and boiled asparagus.  Dessert for me wasn't the mouth watering chocolate lava delicacy, but a plate of fresh fruit.  So the salad was good, then dinner started to be delivered. About 9 different servers tried to give me the 'normal' dinner with the non-paleo friendly culinary treasures.  It didn't help that the one Russian server lady (god love her) tried twice to give me the 'normal' plate and got offended when I tried to explain I had a 'special' plate back in the kitchen somewhere. Comically enough, I was sitting at a table with a few current BC colleagues, and a few very former BC athletes/coaches- the mean age of us ladies (myself excluded) was probably about 76. I'm not sure any of them understood my dilemma; the phrase 'hunting and gathering' was thrown out in every other sentence to help explain, to no avail. Oh well. Finally my 'special' plate came out and I felt like a princess.  I've never aspired to be a princess, but you probably already knew that. 

Anyways, dinner went smoothly enough and it was a great banquet (sorry no pics of din, wasn't the environment to be snapping shots of my food).  I always get inspired hearing about other athletes and their experiences.  Success breeds success right? 

So breakfast today was the usual- see pic in case you've been living under a rock and this is your first experience with my blog.  Side note- seeing pumpkin flavored creamers in the grocery store does not encourage paleo thoughts. 

Lunch was random...and for once, was not planned ahead. I made spaghetti squash and a homemade meat sauce using ground turkey.  Yes, I made spaghetti on my lunch break.  Not sure who does that.  It was delicious though. 

Apparently, I do not live in central Virginia, but actually central Texas...we have freaking Friday Night Lights going on in my backyard.  Who sets off fireworks after a high school football game?  It's 9:30 people and I'm lame. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day of pics

Almond Butter....slight addiction
Breakfast: scrambled eggs western style with proscuitto, onions, green peppers, red peppers and a side of mango.
Pit stop at the Farmer's Market: free range eggs, raspberries, green pepper, sweet potato, tomatoes and a ribeye.
Lunch: turkey burger topped with carmalized onions and tomato with mustard and chive mayo in a lettuce wrap.  Heaven.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

day 24

I am getting hate mail for not posting yesterday.  Relax peeps....had a busy day.
Had another great night of sleep, yes, passed the remote test again.  I've actually been turning my tv off before I fall asleep, something I've probably not done since 7th grade.
For breakfast had an egg with salsa and my usual sweet potato/nanner combo.  I can really tell if I don't eat enough protein in a meal....get hungry earlier than usual. Had a snack of banana and almond butter (tried a new brand- Kettle, really recommend). Played some hoops at lunch, couple 3's, couple air balls. 
Lunch was my homemade vegetable soup with avocado/salsa combo.  Again, not enough protein and was hungry by 6pm. Took care of that problem with a little carnitas delight from Chipotle.  Don't you hate when people call it "Chipoltee"? God that drives me up a wall.
As for today, got in a run in the foggiest weather I've seen since England. I wore reflective clothing and a headlamp just to be sure I wasn't trampled by a horse and buggy.  Kidding, just wanted to give you a mental image. Sometimes my sole motivation for running in the morning is so I can have my miracle mash.  I think I'm addicted to it. I'm serious.
Just looked at that picture...although those may look like animal fecal matter, they are actually dates. And they are delicious.
Lunch was leftover chili and a salad.  Perfectly content with it.  While I was home for lunch, I made turkey burgers with carmalized onions.  I plan on eating one of those on top of a salad with some chive mayo for dinner.  Meal preparation is dominating my life.  Good thing I overshop and buy tons of produce/protein.  I got a bunch of fresh herbs today from a coworker (thanks Ellen!)- chives, basil, thyme, parsley and terragon.  Have never used terragon, looking forward to incorpating that somewhere.
Heading to UVA tonight to watch their w.lax team play JMU, so a premade dinner was in order. Luckily my assistant is driving, so I can scarf my whole30 meal on the way to Charlottesville.  Blogging now so that I don't receive deaththreats later.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Catch 22

Running out of creative titles and I have 22 days down.  This blog has nothing to do with a Catch 22. Sorry for misleading you. 

Had another awesome night of sleep.  Really wanted to stay up for the RHONJ reunion part I of III, but I went to bed. Those that know me well know that was difficult. I'm actually getting tired at night (not after lunch like before) and easily falling asleep.  I'm a loser and do the remote test when I go to bed. For those of you that don't know what the remote test is (and you shouldn't, because I made it up last night)....I leave the remote about 6 inches from me before I fall asleep and see where it is in the morning.  If it's in the same spot when I wake up, flawless slumber.  I have passed the remote test the past 2 nights. And this is what excites me.  

I spent a little time with Shaun T this morning for Insanity Abs.  I like the Ab workout because it's like 23 minutes and you don't do any crunches.  I will have a 6 pack when I wake up tomorrow. Breakfast was scrambled eggs with homemade salsa on top and my go to sweet potato/banana mash of heaven.  No the mini pumpkins were not part of my meal. 

Lunch was amazeballs (haven't said that in a while) and I definitely overate. I tell you what, poaching chickens may be my new fave past time. Made some more chicken salad today with walnuts, grapes, celery, S&P. Side of tomato/guac and a little DVR'ed RHONJ.  Nailed that lunch on all levels. 

I don't think I snacked all day.  Proud of myself. Came home a little early and made some vegetable soup using the broth I got from aforementioned poached chicken. Talk about sustainability.  I am putting on a clinic. 

I had to incorporate the world's smallest tabasco bottle into the blog today.  How freaking cute is that thing? 

I know it may seem like my life is really exciting with all these food experiments and road apple dodging ,but it's really not. Currently doing my normal Monday evening ritual. Watching Monday Night Football you suspect? False. Watching delinquent student-athletes pretending to study while I blog and do some online shopping.  By online shopping I mean load up a cart of awesome outfits that total over $400 and then X out the page.