Monday, October 8, 2012

29 of 30

I just typed out that title and I cannot believe tomorrow is my last full day of the Whole30 challenge.  This journey has certainly gone faster than I imagined it to go- it has given me perspective, motivation and control.  I don't have urges to put 'bad stuff' into my body.  Well, for the most part. 

A lot of people have asked 'what are you going to do when it's over?'  I honestly think I will continue on this path of eating paleo until I really want something nonpaleo. I feel good.  It's hard to describe elaborately. I have no desire to eat bread or cheese.  (I also haven't been face to face with a pizza in 29 days). I've been sleeping like a baby. I have energy and rarely experience the usual afternoon sluggishness.  You know that 2:00 feeling the 5 hour energy commercials always tell you about. I want to workout.  My mouth actually watered for spinach yesterday. I desire good food.  I've enjoyed channeling my inner Jules Childs. I am proud of what I've accomplished. 

One of my biggest challenges has been the social aspect for sure.  I've cut down on my social engagements to limit temptations, etc. My nonpaleo, social butterfly self would definitely call my whole30, seltzer drinking self LAME. I've had some conflicting thoughts on that matter, the whole30 is almost social suicide. No, it's not that bad. I just wanted to use the phrase social suicide since it's in Mean Girls. I've obviously chosen to limit my sociality (can't believe that's a word)- so I need to be better about going out and being ok with not drinking. 

Although I'm not sure what I was so concerned with, I never once worried that I would fall off the wagon. My only worry involving wagons concerns the Mennonites and their road apples. 

I am looking forward to having the option to enjoy a beverage if I want it.  I'm not saying tomorrow at 12:01am I'm going to crack a beer....that would be ludicrous.  I'll just have a Bloody Mary with my breakfast Wednesday before I go into work.  Kidding people. 

The process of reintroducing foods is a little intimidating.  The top 3 items I'd like to reintroduce are aforementioned adult beverages, sugar free creamer and gum.  I feel like that's a really weird combination, but that's honestly what I think. Anyways, enough reflection for this evening.  I'm not even finished the challenge yet.  

Hung out with my main man Shaun T this morning.  Loathing walking push ups. And the rug in my living room is cheap so I get rug burns on my palms. Sometimes my frugality gets the best of me.

Anyways, breakfast was: steak and an egg, with my sweet potato/nan concoction.  I've had a lot of interest for that recipe, so here it is: 
Microwave a sweet potato in a wet paper towel for 4-5 minutes (until fork tender).  Cut up a small banana (the riper the better).  I usually use a 1/2 of the sweet potato at most.  Mash together the nan and potato, add about 1/4 cup of coconut milk and 2 tsp of cinnamon.  Reheat once everything is incorporated and top with walnuts.  Devour. 

Lunch was my leftover 'surf' from dinner last night, atop a salad with tomatoes and EVOO.  It was as scrumptious as it looks.  Post lunch nibble of raspberries and walnuts.

The weather today was pretty miz. Soup was calling my name for dinner.  Needed a little protein with it, so had a little bit of spaghetti squash and meat sauce. I couldn't even finish the soup. I've noticed I become fuller quickly, I guess when I'm meant to be finished. 

Also, if you're interested in what I'm doing right now, it's not watching the O's play the Yankees.  Of course not. I'm hanging out in the front of a classroom with a room full of underachieving student athletes. I, in my baby earphones listening to Mumford and Sons sipping seltzer water; them in their oversized headphones jammin to Chris Brown and texting under their desks. 
Sweet life. 

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