Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Well folks, we've made it.  When I wake up tomorrow, as long as I don't sleep walk down to the local 7-11 and sleep eat taquitos, I will have successfully completed the Whole3o challenge.  30 days of no grains, legumes, alcohol, dairy, soy, etc.  30 days of real, natural delicious food.  The last meals: 

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach, steak. Lunch: Tuna wraps with tomato/avocado. Dinner: Spaghetti and tomato/avocado.  (I know, tomato and avocado were on a brief hiatus). Snack: apples and almond butter. 

I've had a bunch of people ask me what I'm going to eat tomorrow.  Probably the same good food I've been eating the last 30 days.  I think it'd be a bit hypocritical to reward myself for completing this challenge with food/drink. I'd rather reward myself with something materialistic.  Today, I bought a trash can online.  No, I will not allow that to be my reward. It just so happened I needed a trash can and I bought it today.  I'll probably cash in this weekend when I go shopping. 

So, I will continue to eat the paleo way until I really want something nonpaleo.  I'm not sure when it will happen, but I want it to be worth it. I embarked on this challenge to change my relationship with food, for the short term- success.  I think the hardest part for me will be the time after the whole30.  I've done well because there are guidelines and rules to follow-- it was easy to control.  Now, it's up to me to make better decisions on my own. I'm sure there will be hard days and easy days, and I'm sure the easy days will become more frequent as time goes on. I hope anyways.  

In closing, thanks for all the support and encouragement along the way.  As much as I became consumed and obsessed with the Whole30, I did with blogging as well.  I really had fun writing about my journey.  And although I did feel extreme pressure to post daily and make people laugh, I did enjoy the process and think it was helpful.  It was like I had an audience to report to and I didn't want to disappoint. I know some people have requested that I continue with the blog....and I will try to blog about life after the whole30, but it may be less frequent and not as comical. 

And those asking for after pictures, please message me privately.  


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