Monday, October 1, 2012

Catch 22

Running out of creative titles and I have 22 days down.  This blog has nothing to do with a Catch 22. Sorry for misleading you. 

Had another awesome night of sleep.  Really wanted to stay up for the RHONJ reunion part I of III, but I went to bed. Those that know me well know that was difficult. I'm actually getting tired at night (not after lunch like before) and easily falling asleep.  I'm a loser and do the remote test when I go to bed. For those of you that don't know what the remote test is (and you shouldn't, because I made it up last night)....I leave the remote about 6 inches from me before I fall asleep and see where it is in the morning.  If it's in the same spot when I wake up, flawless slumber.  I have passed the remote test the past 2 nights. And this is what excites me.  

I spent a little time with Shaun T this morning for Insanity Abs.  I like the Ab workout because it's like 23 minutes and you don't do any crunches.  I will have a 6 pack when I wake up tomorrow. Breakfast was scrambled eggs with homemade salsa on top and my go to sweet potato/banana mash of heaven.  No the mini pumpkins were not part of my meal. 

Lunch was amazeballs (haven't said that in a while) and I definitely overate. I tell you what, poaching chickens may be my new fave past time. Made some more chicken salad today with walnuts, grapes, celery, S&P. Side of tomato/guac and a little DVR'ed RHONJ.  Nailed that lunch on all levels. 

I don't think I snacked all day.  Proud of myself. Came home a little early and made some vegetable soup using the broth I got from aforementioned poached chicken. Talk about sustainability.  I am putting on a clinic. 

I had to incorporate the world's smallest tabasco bottle into the blog today.  How freaking cute is that thing? 

I know it may seem like my life is really exciting with all these food experiments and road apple dodging ,but it's really not. Currently doing my normal Monday evening ritual. Watching Monday Night Football you suspect? False. Watching delinquent student-athletes pretending to study while I blog and do some online shopping.  By online shopping I mean load up a cart of awesome outfits that total over $400 and then X out the page. 


  1. dude, love keeping up with this as you are doing the whole30...ive comtemplated it as well as paleo, i need to do something. my fav part about this was you saying online shopping, meaning filling up your cart and x-ing out, i do it everydayyyyy.


  2. hahaha....thanks Jame! You can definitely do it, I highly recommend it! Hope you are well :)

