Wednesday, October 3, 2012

day 24

I am getting hate mail for not posting yesterday.  Relax peeps....had a busy day.
Had another great night of sleep, yes, passed the remote test again.  I've actually been turning my tv off before I fall asleep, something I've probably not done since 7th grade.
For breakfast had an egg with salsa and my usual sweet potato/nanner combo.  I can really tell if I don't eat enough protein in a meal....get hungry earlier than usual. Had a snack of banana and almond butter (tried a new brand- Kettle, really recommend). Played some hoops at lunch, couple 3's, couple air balls. 
Lunch was my homemade vegetable soup with avocado/salsa combo.  Again, not enough protein and was hungry by 6pm. Took care of that problem with a little carnitas delight from Chipotle.  Don't you hate when people call it "Chipoltee"? God that drives me up a wall.
As for today, got in a run in the foggiest weather I've seen since England. I wore reflective clothing and a headlamp just to be sure I wasn't trampled by a horse and buggy.  Kidding, just wanted to give you a mental image. Sometimes my sole motivation for running in the morning is so I can have my miracle mash.  I think I'm addicted to it. I'm serious.
Just looked at that picture...although those may look like animal fecal matter, they are actually dates. And they are delicious.
Lunch was leftover chili and a salad.  Perfectly content with it.  While I was home for lunch, I made turkey burgers with carmalized onions.  I plan on eating one of those on top of a salad with some chive mayo for dinner.  Meal preparation is dominating my life.  Good thing I overshop and buy tons of produce/protein.  I got a bunch of fresh herbs today from a coworker (thanks Ellen!)- chives, basil, thyme, parsley and terragon.  Have never used terragon, looking forward to incorpating that somewhere.
Heading to UVA tonight to watch their w.lax team play JMU, so a premade dinner was in order. Luckily my assistant is driving, so I can scarf my whole30 meal on the way to Charlottesville.  Blogging now so that I don't receive deaththreats later.

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