Sunday, October 7, 2012

Surf and Turf

As much as I want to write about the dinner I just ate, I feel as though I should keep this blog chronological. 
Apologies for not posting yesterday, it was Homecoming at BC and the day was busy.  We started the day with an Alumnae Game, the official end of our fall ball season. It was a good turnout, specifically loved the alum that showed up with a wooden stick.  I know you're probably thinking she was 80, well she wasn't, she was only a few years older than me. I don't know how the Indians did it. 
Following the Alumnae Game (that I officiated....lord help us), we had a tailgate. I'm not sure why I planned a tailgate for the last weekend of my whole30 challenge, or maybe I secretly enjoy torturing myself.  I know there is a word for that but I have no idea what it is. I just tried to google it and I got masochist.  I don't think that's right.

A la the tailgate, I had 2 100% all beef burgers with mustard and some veggies.  The only thing I really wanted was the taco dip and scoops.  Freaking scoops. 

Dinner was leftover spaghetti squash and sauce with a side of spinach.  I'm trying to work more greens into my meals. It was fabulous.  Sauteed the spinach with salt and garlic, hit the spot. 

I actually decided to be social last night and meet some friends wasted off soda water and lime. Not. 
So while the table ordered wings, fries and dogfish beer (maybe my fave), I took my carbonated bev to the face.  Like a champ.  Oh I did have a celery stalk. 

It really wasn't that bad...I enjoyed the company and it was good to get out of the house. Not as difficult as I thought it would be to not drink.  Got home around midnight and did not toss until 8:45am.  Glorious. 

I lounged in sweats, watched a movie and didn't brush my teeth until 12pm today and I'm not ashamed of it. 

I joined a basketball league, mainly to make friends with a secondary goal to exercise and compete. Didn't want to overdo it with lunch, so I just had an apple with some almond butter. Seemed to work I only had 1 air ball. It was really fun, looking forward to hooping more often. 

Ok, finally I can get to my dinner and the title of this blog. SURF and TURF.  
Salmon with lemon juice, olive oil, tarragon, chives, S&P.    
Ribeye purchased from a local farmer's market- rubbed in garlic, S&P and EVOO.  
Side of spinach sauteed in garlic.
Washed it down with a refreshing spritzer of seltzer water- garnished with lemon and raspberries. 
Jules is back. 

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