Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I was advised to make a Top 10 list about the Whole30.  Instead of the 'best' things, I'm listing the biggest takeaways from completing the Whole30 successfully.  So here they are in no particular order:

Top 10:

1. It is not hard.  (battling cancer is hard, fighting in a war is hard)
2. I never thought I could get better sleep.  I had what I thought were good sleeping habits's nothing like how I'm sleeping now.
3.  My workouts are much more efficient.  I don't lose energy and my heart rate isn't as high when I'm exercising (and it's not because I'm not working as hard)
4.  I don't need bread or cheese or beer. 
5.  Everyone is gluten intolerant.  (cut it out of your diet and see what happens to your gut...mine is much less poochy for lack of a better term)
6.  There is enough time in your day and in your weeks to eat like this, as long as you make it a priority.  Trust me it's worth it. 
7. It's really not that much more expensive to eat real, whole food.  (I bet you will spend less on dr's visits, antacids, etc.)
8.  It is empowering to be in control of how your body looks and feels!
9.  Pumpkin shakes may seem and look like a good idea, but they taste like baby food. (Gerber if you're reading, call me)
10. Feeling good is in your control.  Everything you put into your body is either healthy or unhealthy.  There is no in between. 

For those who are I did not have a Bloody Mary with breakfast.  I ate completely paleo today, including the Pumpkin Shake I's not good. 

But speaking of pumpkin, I did make a purchase today for when I am ready....Dogfish Punkin :) 

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