Friday, October 5, 2012

Evening Y'all

Well this day, the 26th day of the whole30, was a freaking crapshow. Honestly. One of my biggest peeves of this challenge is having to eat in public, around people that don't understand what you're doing and probably won't ever. I don't like being considered high maintenance and tonight I was.

I attended the Bridgewater College Hall of Fame banquet this evening, it was a lovely affair.   I did my best to plan ahead (at $25 a pop, I was getting my paleo time and money's worth), I chatted with the chef ahead of time to explain my conundrum and he was on board.  Phew.  They served a fancy salad, pork, asparagus and a parsnip mash with some glaze over the top.  Easy fix- garden salad with balsamic, plain pork and boiled asparagus.  Dessert for me wasn't the mouth watering chocolate lava delicacy, but a plate of fresh fruit.  So the salad was good, then dinner started to be delivered. About 9 different servers tried to give me the 'normal' dinner with the non-paleo friendly culinary treasures.  It didn't help that the one Russian server lady (god love her) tried twice to give me the 'normal' plate and got offended when I tried to explain I had a 'special' plate back in the kitchen somewhere. Comically enough, I was sitting at a table with a few current BC colleagues, and a few very former BC athletes/coaches- the mean age of us ladies (myself excluded) was probably about 76. I'm not sure any of them understood my dilemma; the phrase 'hunting and gathering' was thrown out in every other sentence to help explain, to no avail. Oh well. Finally my 'special' plate came out and I felt like a princess.  I've never aspired to be a princess, but you probably already knew that. 

Anyways, dinner went smoothly enough and it was a great banquet (sorry no pics of din, wasn't the environment to be snapping shots of my food).  I always get inspired hearing about other athletes and their experiences.  Success breeds success right? 

So breakfast today was the usual- see pic in case you've been living under a rock and this is your first experience with my blog.  Side note- seeing pumpkin flavored creamers in the grocery store does not encourage paleo thoughts. 

Lunch was random...and for once, was not planned ahead. I made spaghetti squash and a homemade meat sauce using ground turkey.  Yes, I made spaghetti on my lunch break.  Not sure who does that.  It was delicious though. 

Apparently, I do not live in central Virginia, but actually central Texas...we have freaking Friday Night Lights going on in my backyard.  Who sets off fireworks after a high school football game?  It's 9:30 people and I'm lame. 

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