Sunday, September 22, 2013

10 days remaining!

I may as well have been filming Rachel Ray's Week in a Day today. I went to town in the kitchen. You know you're getting old (or homely) when after crushing it in the kitchen, you feel way too satisfied with a full fridge and clean counters. 
Started with eggs over easy and sweet potato home fries. I seasoned the sweet potato fries with salt, cinnamon and chili powder. I know it sounds weird but it's really good, try it. 

Next I moved right on to making meatballs and spaghetti sauce for later. It's amazing how difficult it is to find canned tomatoes of any kid without citric acid. Made the meatballs with beef, minced garlic, parsley, oregano, egg, S and P, red pepper flakes. Would've been a little moister with some milk soaked bread in there, but not too shabby. I've been pretty good about using up what I have...sauce consisted of tomato sauce, tomato paste, tomato, green pepper, onion, mushroom, garlic, and above spices. Shoved it all in the crockpot and let that baby work her magic. Served it with spaghetti squash, yummo. 

While the meatballs were going I started up on making some broth. Ok that's a lie. I started to begin the labor intensive culinary masterpiece and I had forgotten onions. Good thing the Landlord had a hankering for a snowball....he was such a gem and said he'd get a couple for me while he was out. He came back with a bucket filled with a root beer snowball and a couple onions. Thank G I think snowballs are dis-gus-ting. And if you were wondering the Landlord has had very limited involvement in the Whole30. Aka no participation. I won't tell you what he had for breakfast. 

Ok, so back to the soup. I made homemade chicken broth by poaching a chicken. Win-win, you get soup and great shredded chicken. So I made a chicken tortilla without the tortilla soup. Varied up a recipe I'd already had. Kind of a Mexican chicken veggie soup...pretty tasty. Will use the extra chicken for salads, maybe some chicken salad later in the week. 

Here are a few other pics from the week. 

Tuna (packed in olive oil), steak and eggs, Chipotle (first time this whole30), and steak, spinach and sweet potato dinner. 
I slacked on the workouts last week...had a little head cold, so I was lame. Finished my Foundations classes for Crossfit though and I'm going to get after it again tomorrow. I wonder when I will stop being sore from those wods. Man. It's good though, like preseason soccer sore. Like crawling up the stale beer soaked steps in Blanche to the 4th floor. Shout out to WMC. 

Until next time! 

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