Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Brief hiatus

Hey y'all, apologies for the brief sabbatical....began dynasty building last week and that takes priority over blogging. I was actually thinking today if Siri could blog for me. I'll have to ask her later. 
Top left is a little snack, aka dinner from Friday. Wasn't super hungry after a long day, so lunchmeat with mustard and homemade mayo on a lettuce wrap did the trick. Top right is the Panera hidden menu, Mediterranean Turkey (ask for it w/out oil blend) and I topped it with fresh salsa. (Because people like to say salsa) name that TV show.  
Random assortment from the weekend- egg and prosciutto, then football gameday essentials- guacamole, wings (used hot sauce and Tessemaes) and chili. Food was yum, Skins were scum. 

Another breakfast shot....I know, a lot of eggs. Also made chicken salad with homemade mayo, walnuts, celery and grapes. Delish on a lettuce wrap. 
Top pic is the other dominating force in my life :) it's been a blast finally getting to coach my team. I'm excited for the year ahead! 

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