Sunday, September 8, 2013

Who visits the Chocolate Capital of the US on whole 30?

Yes, I went to Hershey Park. And yes, I spotted S'mores that consisted of chocolate chip cookies as the 'graham crackers', slathered with marshmallow, with a Reese's peanut butter cup sandwiched between. TORTURE. Oh yeah, and prior to my trip to chocolate paradise, I went to Troeg's brewery. Really tested myself this weekend. It was tough, but I stayed the course. 
Saturday, before Hershey/Troeg's I went to crossfit and then to campus to meet a recruit. Mini cooler in tow. 

Note to self: peel hard boiled eggs before you put them in the cooler. Talk about distracted driving. 

From Dickinson, I drove to meet my sister, bro in law and awesome nephew. Gnawed on a steak on that drive to Hershey. Literally felt like a caveman until I remember I was in an air-conditioned automobile listening to XM radio. Hershey Park was a blast, little crowded, but good. Lots of whack jobs walking around that place that really boosted my confidence. 
Was struggling for nourishment afterwards and settled on Panera. If you don't know about their hidden menu, check it out! One of my friends let me know about it last year and when I finally got up the nerve to order from it I was pleasantly surprised! I got the Mediterranean turkey bowl, without the oil blend. I apparently knew more about the ingredients than the workers did.  They try to slip in canola oil...after a brief altercation with the Shift Manager Rick, I got my meal paleo certified, without oil. I added a little avocado/salsa mix I had in my purse (not a typo) and it was awesome!
Today was another great day. Hung out with Gravy and EZ, so I didn't have to deal with anyone asking me questions about whole30. Made chicken wings, which were literally fingerlicking good. (Visit great paleo friendly sauces/dressings). Also made chili and failed horribly at a triple batch of mayo. Our temperatures were off today. It was either the non room temp lemon we used, or the blender that doubles as an infrared heat lamp that caused our creation to look like a disgusting mayonnaise milkshake. 2 outta 3 ain't bad. 

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