Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 1 in the books

Greetings to the blogosphere! Day 1 down...not too shabby. I suppose it's a lot easier when you know what you're getting yourself into.
Finally got to the store this evening- $80 and a few laps around the store and this is what I came up with:
If you can't see everything, highlights include: sirloin steak, chicken breast, seltzer water, coffee, walnuts, basil, tuna packed in EVOO, etc. It's an empowering feeling slapping all of your groceries on the counter and admiring your handy work. (Hint: stick to the outside of the grocery store, the aisles are what usually get you in trouble)
Backtracking a bit- breakfast was eggs and half an avocado and black coffee. Lunch was tuna and the remaining half of previously mentioned avocado. Had an apple for a snack. Dinner consisted of half of the sirloin steak and asparagus with garlic. See below: 

I am currently satisfied and content....minus the fan that sounds like an epileptic hyena that is in the bedroom. The spelling of hyena doesn't look right does it? Took me a few minutes to come to terms with that spelling. Anyways, the point is this fan looks like its about to spin off its axis and slice my head off in the middle of the night. Better unplug it. That would be a short lived blog and a really crappy way to go. Although, helluva scary movie death. 
Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. PS- the pasta in the background is for decoration, I promise.
