Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WODs and whatnot

Day 2 of whole30, day 1 of crossfit. I can barely hold my arms up so this is going to be a shorty boborty. 

For those that follow me on Twitter/Instagram you probably could've guessed a double yolk was coming. It's literally happened 5x in the past month and it literally blows my mind every time. I need to figure out what the universe is trying to tell me. Or, I need to go down to the local farm and punch the farmer who is injecting steroids into the mothers of my eggs. Now that I think about it, I have seen some lady chickens strolling the streets of Hanover with facial hair, shrunken ta-tas and backne. Hmmm. Coincidence?
Top right is my lunch- chicken salad and a salad with mushrooms, tomato and basil. Fresh basil is on point BTW. Wasn't planning on chicken salad but I over grilled the chicken last night. Whoopsies. 
Bottom left is a pit stain from Crossfit. I really liked it, but lets see how I feel when I wake up and can't lift my arms above my head and have to go to work with greasy hair because I can't shampoo. And then I get fired because I don't look professional. And then I have to live on the streets because I can't afford a cardboard box. Haha- anyone get what commercial I'm referencing? Sorry I'm losing it. 
Last but certainly not least pic- dinner. Julia Childs has reentered my life and I am pumped. Crab cakes were delish- picked the crab meat myself, a little Old Bay, salt and pep, and homemade mayo. Nailed it. 
If my arms are functioning tomorrow I'll catch ya then.  


  1. Don't live on the streets because you can't afford a cardboard box. Get rid of Crossfit, and upgrade to Starting Strength.

  2. Sorry, thought you were referencing the DirecTV commercials. Obviously I missed the boat there...

  3. haha yes i was...sorry i didn't actually know what was said in those commercials..haha
