Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's the final countdown

Has anyone else seen the latest marketing scheme from Burger King? They're called "satisfries." Crinkle cut fries that are lower in calories. Really? First of all they should know that nobody will buy them because they're crinkle cut. Everyone remembers those horrid things from the middle school cafeteria. Lord. 
Ok, enough about that. Down to the final stretch. This week was insanely busy. I was in Carlisle every day this week and literally took a nap in my office yesterday while watching a Modern Family on Hulu. True story. It was Homecoming and Families Weekend at Dickinson. This entailed: practice, Alumnae Game, tailgate, Hall of Fame Dinner and a 5k. To the paleo goer, that last sentence surely sent you into a food planning panic attack. The logistics of the food were pretty hairy. Throw in a late practice Friday night to really make you squirm. I had more fruit than normal over the past 2 days, because that's literally the only on-the-go food you know you can have. I had to avoid all of the muffins, bagels and munchkins at the tailgate and stuck to fruit and coffee. Luckily, and not so luckily, I was like the bride at her wedding reception at our tailgate. So many new parents all lining up to chat. Lots of good convos and smiles. I'm still a fan favorite because there haven't been any games which means there are no playing time issues. :)
HOF dinner I was that girl. Emailed the coordinators ahead of time to submit my dietary restrictions. Luckily I have a couple other coaches in my boat with the whole30, so we sat together. Despite the overly awkward server, all was a paleo success (as far as I know). We even got a huge fruit bowl for dessert. Minus the Sam Adams pumpkin beer giving me the hairy eyeball the entire course of dinner, all was good. I didn't take a pic of that dinner because that would've just been weird. I'm still new, so I'm doing everything in my power to be cool. 

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