Monday, September 2, 2013

I'm baaaack

Well good evening y'all! I know it's been a while since I've signed into the ole blog..but figured it was only fitting since I'm starting a round 2 Whole 30. For those of you that could care less...why did you click the link? For those on board thank you for your support. Please feel free to join me. I have a few pals joining me in this go round. To protect the names of the innocent I will refer to them in nickname only: Gravy, EZ and Landlord. Landlord is half hopping on the bus because he will be traveling a lot for work the next 30 days. I must say I appreciate the effort. Gravy and EZ I'm pumped to have friends on this journey!
So Whole30 part deux commences tomorrow. I wanted to go through again because my body needs it. I've definitely made better food choices since my last stint...but I think I need a reminder of how I feel eating real food. I was rereading some posts from last year and got pretty excited. It was like finding an old diary and reliving all of your middle school crushes.
Some things that I have maintained: black coffee, no soda (unless I'm ridiculously hungover), limited gum, eggs for breakfast, homemade mayo, almond butter, no pasta, that's all I got for now. Because I've kept up with the paleo mindset, it is easy for me to start tomorrow despite getting a chance to go to the grocery store tonight.
Things will be a bit harder since I'm in a new locale. My commute to work is about an hour, so I need to be super prepared with meals on the go. Throw in a few 6am practices and the challenge gets a little harder. No worries though...I couldn't be more excited about getting after another whole30 in a new state, with a new gig. Stay tuned.....

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