Sunday, September 30, 2012

Must be Sunday.....

No farmer's markets/road side stands open and I was dodging road apples on my run today.  All the mennonites down here are great with all of the good produce they provide, but they also provide some items in the road that neither smell good, nor provide me with wanted obstacles while running.  I swear if I twist my ankle on horse shit, I'm going to lose it. 

Apologies for no post yesterday- twas a busy day off campus!  Probably a good thing we went to Richmond, forgot yesterday was Yard-Sale-a-Palooza in Bridgewater.  The biggest holiday of the year. I swear I could barely get out of my garage because there were yard-salers all over creation.   

It was great to see the team play against some other people and they did pretty well.  I had some green peppers and guacamole before we played and a Lara Bar in between.  No real lunch for me, but I wasn't starving. So bfast and snacks were all well and good, until we got to the glorious team dinner.  Lasagna, garlic bread, spinach & artichoke dip, pita chips, red velvet cake, candy corn....aaaaaah.  I settled for my homemade chicken salad on top of a salad.  It would've been better if i was eating in solitude. One of the annoying parts about this challenge is that a million people ask you a million questions.  Sometimes it is hard to explain- so I try to keep it simple and sweet. Then they ask if I've lost weight.  Oh jeez, here we go again. 
Luckily, there was fresh fruit out, so I could mingle and snack like everyone else. 

We got back at about 9:15pm or so.  After our bus hit a police check point on campus...normal.  They actually stopped the bus and asked for the driver's license. Really? 

Anyways, got home, watched a little TV and was in bed around 10:30.  I had the best sleep I think I've ever had.  Literally did not move all night; it was awesome.  This morning, breakfast was ok.  I had eggs scrambled with proscuitto and green peppers and a side of tomatoes. Added a little cinnamon to my coffee to spice it up.  Haha get it? I know, lame. 
Had a little date/walnut snack as well, didn't feel satiety from breakfast alone. 

Went to support our volleyball team over lunch, and again wasn't starving, so just had a lara bar.  Oh also got in a run before that. I worked out 6 days this week, something that hasn't happened in a little while.  I usually shoot for 4-5x per week. 

I was in football-cooking mode- so here is the spread for the game: turkey chili, guacamole and salsa.  I need to figure out what to shuttle the salsa into my gob peppers aren't cutting it. Whoever invented Scoops is a genius.  Mind you I consumed these items while those around me had said Scoops, Oktoberfest beer and cupcakes.  Brutal. 

Luckily the Redskins pulled it out! I still do not like Billy Cundiff, but he pulled through when we needed it.  Although, if he would've just hit the 6 yarder he missed earlier, we wouldn't have been in that position. Whatever, a W is a W. 

Hard to believe 3 weeks are down!  I feel like I'm in a good stride now and am easily handling it.  I am actually nervous to be 'finished' and not sure how I will react physically and mentally.  It seems weird to me that I am nervous to finish. Will keep you posted on those thoughts. 

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