Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Apparently now I have followers....

I guess I will have to start spell checking and minimize the grammatical errors!  Dawn mentioned I should put the blog up on Facebook, but was totally surprised with the positive responses I received...it was very empowering! I started the blog as a daily journal, for my eyes only.  Guess I'm glad I didn't post the before pics. (just kidding).

So I was thinking maybe I should back up and do a little more explaining.  I started the Whole30 challenge on Monday, Sept. 10th....my main resources are: Dawn Fletcher, whole9life.com, and It Starts With Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig.  I must say I was weary about following the gospel of someone named Dallas, but alas, here I am. 
The Whole30 program is designed to reset your metabolism and end the unhealthy cravings, habits you've developed over the years.  I am truly looking forward to changing my relationship with food.  It's weird I never thought I had a 'relationship' with food, or drink for that matter, but think about it- we all do.  Whenever anything positive or negative happened, I always wanted to celebrate or comfort myself with food or drink(s). I always tell my players to control the controllables and now it's time to practice what I preach!

Off the soapbox....here is what I had for dinner. I was pretty hungry after practice, but experienced satiety (being full) from this simple meal: tilapia and an avocado/tomato salad with lime juice, EVOO, S&P.  
Things I am missing so far: sugar free creamer in my coffee and GUM! 

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