Monday, September 24, 2012

Half Way Point

So today, as I was strolling down the aisles of the local Food Lion, I stopped to stare at the Pretzel M&M's.  I admit it, I missed my little chocolate pals.  Welp, karma got me for even taking a peep.  Crushed my shin on the mini cart before I could even take in the glorious site.  Keep Calm and Whole30 On.

I decided to branch out with my picture postings and do more than post just my culinary creations.  (sorry for the flash) Here is what is actually in the mayonnaise most of you are consuming: 

The best part is the asterisk* ingredient not normally found in mayonnaise.  Then why is it in there? And why is sugar in Mayo? Here is a challenge for you all...check your labels every once in a while, if you can't pronounce an ingredient (or worse, more than one) don't eat it! 

Besides the Fred Flintstone type lump on my shin, I returned home from the grocery store with the following: 
(Yes that's a whole mini chicken...the plan is to poach it later in the week)
(Also, finally found tuna without soy in it! Success!)

If you are concerned about my meals today, and miss my photos, here they are.  If you've been a loyal (or recent) follower, I'm sure you can guess what was included in my breakfast. 

Dinner was a salad with tomatoes, a portobello mushroom and shrimp.  EVOO for dressing.  Lunch isn't really worth mentioning, but I will since now you are probably curious. Dining hall salad with 2 hard boiled eggs, although I did use sesame oil and vinegar as a dressing.  Told you, not that exciting. 

Currently, I sit in a classroom monitoring student-athletes who have fallen below a 2.0 GPA.  If you know me, you know the face I am making right now.  While they are pretending to study while simultaneously browse Facebook, I am blogging and drinking seltzer water with frozen berries in it. #winning

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