Monday, September 10, 2012

Day #1

Started a few things today...the Whole30 and far both are going well. (I think).
I started the Whole30 because I wanted to change my relationship with food.  I also have a great friend that swears by this stuff...and I trust her with my here it goes.

Woke up around 7am and got in a good run- took a before photo and weighed myself....yep, I am ready for the Whole30.  Admittedly, I did binge this past week on unhealthy food and alcohol. 
For breakfast I had scrambled eggs with tomatoes and basil and black coffee.
Brought some almonds and an apple to work for a snack.  Had lunch in the dining hall...which seemed to be a wild and crazy idea at the time. (I'm told meal preparation is key).  Nonetheless, I went in and was pleasantly surprised. We are fortunate enough to have a very healthy and fresh salad bar, complete with different oils/vinegars I was able to use for dressing.  Also loaded up on a few hard boiled eggs....I have a feeling eggs are going to be a staple in this lifestlye.
I've been snacking on the almonds, chugging water and thinking that I can definitely do this.
I am excited to feel more energized and in control of my body!
Looking forward to making "spahgetti" later tonight for dinner. Going to use zucchini and squash as my noodles. Stay tuned!

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