Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesdays with Paleo

I have had a lot of people ask me the same question- 'have you lost any weight?' My answer is always- 'I don't know.' The reason I'm doing the Whole30 challenge is not to lose weight. It's bigger than that. I've counted calories, exercised more, cut out carbs, etc.  The goal of the Whole30 is to change my relationship with food and 'reset' my body.  So, I don't know if I've lost weight, because I haven't weighed myself.  A common side effect of the whole30 challenge is weight loss, but it isn't the ultimate goal. To be honest, it has been hard not to weigh myself.  I have been weighing myself every Monday for over a year.  My original thought on that was- knowing that I have to weigh myself every Monday will ensure I make better food/drink decisions on the weekends.  I am anxious though to step on the scale after 30 days are complete.  If, while you are on the Whole30, you are concerned about weight loss- you should really limit snacking, especially on nuts and fruit. 

So today was a typical day.  Breakfast was scrambled eggs, 1/2 avocado and campari tomatoes. I played basketball and lifted at lunchtime (guaranteed to be sore in the glutal/hamstring region tomorrow- haven't done good mornings in a while). Lunch was pretty great, and different.  Yellowfin tuna packed in EVOO mixed with my homemade mayo, celery, garlic powder, S&P.  I had that in boston lettuce leaves....so good.  Side of tomatoes and the rest of the avocado from my bfast.  Good little lunch. 

Oh I also had a kiwi as an afternoon snack.  Felt ok doing that since I had a pretty good workout beforehand.  Side note- have you ever tried eating a kiwi with the skin on? I know it sounds disgusting, but my assistant says that's how they do it in Australia, so mate, put another shrimp on the barbie.  It's actually really good.  

Pictures are being weird.  We had off from practice today, so I went over to watch JMU practice.  It is awesome to be so close to such a great lax team, and even better that the coaching staff is awesome enough to let me creep on the sidelines. Also gave me a good excuse to head over to my new fave paleo friendly fast food chain- CHIPOTLE.  I thought I was at JMU's freshmen orientation when I walked in; I tried to fit in by just tweeting the entire time I waited in line. I also did have sweats on, so that may have helped my cause. Got the salad with caranitas, and loaded up on the guac. I am really crushing avocados on the whole30.  Added a little of my homemade salsa for a finishing touch and went to town.  It was all I hoped it would be. Resisted the urge to have a little date/walnut snack afterwards and chugged some water instead.  Not regretting that choice.  

Up early for conditioning tomorrow- the team is doing INSANITY and apparently I am insane because I am joining them.  Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow at 7am.  

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