Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Double Digits

Well Jules, you little rascal, you did it again.  Dinner was freaking scrumptious. I believe the pictures are worth 1,000 salivary responses, but just in case: Spaghetti Squash with homemade marinara sauce and turkey meatballs.  Are you kidding me? The food processor really performed tonight.  Roma tomatoes, garlic, sauteed onions, S&P, oregano and fresh basil. 
Oh yeah and a side of kale, who has become that sidekick that you're not sure if you should keep around or kick to the curb.  Luckily this guy has no effect on my social life.  Well, that is, unless he rears his ugly little head into one of my bicuspids and I don't find him until hours later.  Note to self, keep a mirror handy.

Really can't stop thinking about that dinner.  All real food and all real good.

Lunch was good, but left me filling a little empty and sluggish.  Salmon from last night on top of a salad with EVOO on top. Got back to the office and had to have an apple with some almond butter.  Probably will never eat peanut butter again. I'm not sure why Almond has not gotten the love that Peanut has gotten, but I will surely be embracing it from this point forward.  After the apple I chugged a bunch of water with fresh fruit in it and I felt a lot better.  I was up early for a morning workout with the team, so that could have something to do with the lethargy. Anyways, here was lunch: 

Really loving the empowering feeling I have being a third of the way through this challenge! I think it's also helpful that it is all in my control.  Obviously I love being in control.  That's why I'm a coach, to control 18-21 year olds. (Sarcasm....of course that's not why I coach.  I do it for the money.) 

Oh wait, that's not it either :) 

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