Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Still Alive

Day 3 complete...feeling pretty good.  Although I am blogging from my bed and it is 8:30PM.  Still don't know if I'm tired from practicing (7am conditioning session today) or from the whole30.  
Woke up today at 6:15, panicking because I had a dream I ate ketchup. Don't worry just a dream. Black coffee and a handful of grapes got me through the workout (I was just blowing the whistle, not running). Went over to the dining hall, where I thought I was safe.  False.  No hard boiled eggs.  My pre-planned meal was foiled. I had to settle for fried eggs made by an 89 year old lady who was afraid she was going to slip due to the grease on the floor.  (picture that poor little lunch lady from your old dining hall, yeah, it was her.) 
Lunch was a mishmash of stuff that I had and needed to cook.  Eggplant, onions, garlic, tomatoes, tomato sauce, basil, EVOO, S&P. Turned out pretty good.  Would also like to try it on top of my paleo spaghetti...maybe using squash noodles this time. 
I've been trying to limit the snacking, or if I want to snack, eat nuts/seeds...something with protein. I really haven't had too many cravings, minus the gum, creamer, and occasional dessert.  After meals I usually crave something sweet, so I've been smelling chocolate.  Yeah I said it. I have a mug of Hershey's kisses on my desk (candy makes players less likely to cry in my office), and I'm not ashamed to admit I've been caught with my nose in the mug.  

Dinner may have been the highlight of this adventure.  Seriously can't stop thinking about it.  My trusty assistant (who is also on the Whole30) and I concocted up a 4 star dinner.  Tuna, spinach, grilled avocado and mayo.  Oh wait, mayo isn't part of whole30 challenge? That's right....we made it! Emulsified glory. 
Nailed it. 

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