Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 2

Well...made it to Day 2 unscathed.  Dinner yesterday was actually awesome...I was impressed with my cooking abilities and how good it actually tasted. I didn't miss the pasta.
I was really tired around 9pm yesterday, not sure if it was due to the Whole30, or the fact that practice started yesterday.  Will have to see how today goes.
I woke up today before my alarm went off and was feeling pretty good. Breakfast was:
Black coffee, scrambled eggs with green peppers and tomatoes. Still not used to the black coffee, missing my sugar free creamer.  I got hungry around 10:30, snacked on some almonds and drank some water. I felt a little lethargic around 11am, although that is to be expected. I do not feel as off as I thought I would, but I'm nervous it will get harder before it gets easier.  I played basketball with some other staff members at lunchtime and got a pretty decent workout.  I'm going to take tomorrow off from any cardio- the book  (It Starts With Food) recommends dialing down your workouts the first week. 
I am still a little unsure what to do about fruits...I feel like I shouldn't be eating too many, but it is a good filler in between meals. I'm going to have to research that a little more and report back.

1 comment:

  1. Yayyy!! Good job Kim! I'm impressed that you are even starting the Whole30! I've been doing it Monday through Friday but haven't gotten up the courage to do a full 30 days straight. Maybe I will after seeing how you do. haha..good luck :)
