Friday, September 28, 2012

I'm so cool....

I poach chickens on Friday nights. Seriously.  I'm poaching a chicken while watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.  Why do I torture myself.
Wait until you hear what I had for dinner....eggs and a freaking carrot.  Felt like a reindeer. 
I'm making it sound worse than it really was.  Probably my worst whole30 dinner, but not gag worthy.  I was left feeling a little unsatisfied. Probably doesn't help that it smells like Thanksgiving in here with the poaching of the chicken.  I want stuffing and leftover turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce on a homemade roll. 
Ok, here is the poaching extravaganza....I put carrots, onions, celery (the trinity), salt, peppercorns, crushed garlic cloves, rosemary, sage and parsley in a big pot with the bird.  I also stuffed some of the aforementioned items into the cavity of the chicky chicky.  Covered with water, brought to a boil and then turned down to a simmer for about 50 minutes.  Took it off the heat and covered for about 10-15 more minutes.  

 It was awkward getting that thing out of the pot...the meat was literally falling off the bone and it was hot as hell. Took the skin off, burning my fingers about 9 times. Made a chicken salad out of some of the white meat using s&p, chopped walnuts, celery, grapes and homemade mayo.  Will be taking that as my lunch tomorrow.  We are on the road to Richmond for a play day.  Paleo on the road againnnnn.

Once I pulled all of the meat off the carcass, I threw it back into the jacuzzi and brought it to a boil. I'm planning on using the broth to make a soup at some point.  

Ok, off to hit the hay....bathing birds has got me exhausted.  Wish me luck for tomorrow.  I will be packing my paleo cooler for my day of lax.  Leaving at 10am and probably won't be back until 8pm.  Toughest test will for sure be our stop at one of the player's houses- team dinner with lasagna amongst other goodies.  What day am I on again? 

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