Sunday, September 16, 2012

Crustacean Nation

Reporting from the couch at the home base and happy to say I am fully paleo nourished. 
Friday was a bit of a debacle with my parked car dinner, but I managed.  It is pretty tough eating lots of garlic and onion and not being able to throw any gum in to mask the odor.  Probably not going to help out my lack of social scene. 
Breakfast has been pretty consistent throughout the week...eggs. I think this weekend I ate the same amount of eggs as there are Duggar's.  What are they up to now, 20? 
Saturday I went up to the old stomping grounds for a McDaniel soccer game.  Awesome to see them get a W over the Mules, not awesome to see that the tailgates are still on point. I walked the entire length of the spread to find something paleo....fresh fruit it is. Thank god there wasn't any dirt cake...(sorry Tara). 
From the game went to a family cookout/bonfire, this is where crustacean nation comes in to play. Crabs, scallops and new heaven. I think this was the first time in 10 years I didn't drink a beer while eating crabs.  They were soooo good! Threw in some fresh bruschetta on the side and I was more than satisfied. It definitely was difficult not drinking an Octoberfest at the bonfire; the scene may as well of been from a Sam Adams commercial. Nonetheless, I survived and had a great time. 
Today, stopped at Wegman's on my way back to was glorious. I definitely took about 67 laps and had to stop randomly to consult the bible (It Starts With Food). I've gotten really good at reading labels....the longer they are, probably the less you should have it. 
I would've grabbed a lot more, but only had my mini cooler with me.  Quick recap of the items: salmon, portobello mushrooms, grn peppers, organic tomato sauce/paste, coconut milk, mango, spaghetti squash, kale....that's all I got for now. 
So something that caused me the most anguish when I was debating this Whole30 on Sunday.  I love cooking and drinking beer while watching football all day.  So, I knew the drinking would be out...but didn't think the food would be so great!  Pleasantly surprised with the paleo tailgate that occurred today.  Pics below are of: grilled chicken drumsticks (later covered in hot sauce), turkey chili and kale chips. 

Jury is still out on the kale chips, one bite I'm intrigued, the other I'm disgusted.  I'm still eating them as I type. 
Overall, I'm surprised it's already been a week. The whole30 has consumed about 60% of my thoughts, but I feel good and know I'll be able to continue for 23 more days.  I'm going to really try to limit my snacking this week and only eat when I'm actually hungry, not bored. Brought a food processor back with me (one of the perks of having sisters get married and register for gifts they'll never use...haha). Still deciding what I'm going to use it for, don't worry I will keep you posted. 

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