Wednesday, September 26, 2012

mummy kicks

For those that don't know....mummy kicks are one of the most dreaded parts of the Insanity workouts.  That or push up jacks (basically a jumping jack on the ground with a push up included, nbd). 
Have to admit....pretty tired right now.  The mummy kicks and push up jacks are starting to catch up to me. Highlight of the morning was when one of my players said to me- "Coach you have so much energy!" Loved that. 
The motivation for Insanity, besides proving to my players that this old gal can still hang, was my breakfast after.  Felt like such a good workout deserved a whole sweet potato in my paleo oatmeal.  I also added a few chopped dates to the mash to spice it up.  Had an egg for some protein.  I also meant to mention, I switched from light coconut milk to regular coconut milk.  I add that to my paleo oatmeal and to my coffee- once you get over the weird consistency it's pretty good.  I am actually starting to enjoy my coffee these days. 

Lunch, per usual, was lame-nation. I should clarify, lunch in the dining hall, per usual was lame-nation. We had a recruit on campus today, so my assistant and I joined the entire BC student body (half of them in camo) for lunch.  Had a salad, with 2 hard boiled eggs, balsamic vinegar and EVOO. Supplemented with a small cup of fruit and a water.  Could hardly contain myself. Not. 

Had a banana before practice, just felt hungry and still not satisfied from lunch.  Previously, I remember getting super hungry during practice.  Hungry coach wasn't a happy coach.  Now I'm cruising through.  Even played a little 3v3 with some players before practice got going.  It was a gorgeous day down here in the Shenandoah Valley and practice went well.  

Had to make a Walmart run to fill a prescription for a player, so decided to see what kind of paleo friendly food Wally M had to offer. I skipped the produce section, really trying to support the local farmers by getting that stuff at farmers markets/roadside stands.  I was surprised to find the following whole30 friendly items: coconut milk, dates (new obsession), tuna in EVOO, pumpkin and tomato paste.  

Dinner nailed it- lettuce wraps with baked chicken, homemade mayo and tomato, with a side of avocado topped with homemade salsa.  For 'dessert' I had a few walnuts and dates.  I've been popping dates like they are oversized tootsie rolls. It's crazy how much I've been looking forward to my whole30 meals.  Also crazy that I haven't been concerned with calories at all- which was my previous way of approaching every meal. Feels good to just eat real, whole food and not worry about anything else. Also feels good to FEEL GOOD.  

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